What Is The Accuracy Rate For Allergy Skin Testing?

The symptoms of allergies can be mild but quickly escalate to a life-threatening situation. It’s always better to understand what triggers your allergic reaction. If this is the case, you, along with your doctor, will be able to work together to stop your condition from getting worse.

With proper allergy skin testing, you can also reduce your existing symptoms to a considerable level. In many cases, avoiding the allergen( the active agent causing an allergic reaction) is possible, but sometimes it’s not the case.

Most commonly used allergy tests are blood testing and skin prick tests. Generally, an allergic reaction is your body’s response to an allergen. The symptoms developed are an overreaction from being in contact with an allergen for the minimum possible time. In short, your immune system starts getting hay-wire.

How does allergy skin testing determine the cause of allergy?

Skin allergy test Washington will help you decide if you are likely to have an allergy to different allergens. Allergy skin testing is nothing but testing for the presence of immunoglobulin(IgE) in your body. Our body’s immune system usually produces IgE to fight allergens or irritants.

The IgE antibodies can be detected in different ways. Still, the most common is the skin allergy test O’fallon, MO. Children and adults can both easily undergo these tests.

But, your allergy specialist won’t necessarily advise you to go for a skin prick allergy test. You also have the option to choose whichever out of a blood or skin prick test suits your more.

What happens during an allergy skin test, especially a prick test?

The skin, usually the patient’s forearm, is exposed to different allergens. The doctor uses a plastic toothpick-like device to gently scratch the skin’s surface so that the skin absorbs the allergen.

The skin is monitored for the next couple of minutes, generally 15-20 mins, to check whether the allergen develops any localized reaction. If the area where the doctor pricked the skin develops redness, itching, or swelling, the result is positive.

Later, he wipes off the skin and administers an antihistamine to prevent any more discomfort due to the allergen.

You can also read this article: Blood test Vs. Skin Allergy Test To Detect Allergies

How accurate is a skin prick allergy test?

A positive skin allergy test Hermann is reliable at around 50 percent when it comes to identifying the allergens effectively. But a negative result is 95 percent authentic. Positive test results just mean that the patient’s body has made the anti-bodies IgE against a specific allergen.

But this process called ‘sensitization’ is insufficient for a reliable diagnosis. Other than the prick test, the specialist should review your medical history and conduct a physical examination to see if the results are correct.

Young people may display more false positives than the older generation because younger have low exposure to many such allergens. But most of the time, a thorough diagnosis is possible if the doctor is experienced in the field.

Closing Words-

With its qualified and trusted range of allergy skin testing, New freedom Family Medicine has an exceptional record of giving high-quality and authentic test results.

Reach us to know more about your allergies and the causes behind them.

Blood test Vs. Skin Allergy Test To Detect Allergies

We are at the peak of allergy season, and there are allergens everywhere. Your symptoms might worsen during this time of the year. They might even get bad to the point that you need to visit a doctor or an allergy specialist.

The allergy specialists may use allergy testing immediately to see what has ticked off your allergies.

Allergy tests help them determine the food or any environmental factors to which a patient’s body has reacted. Mostly, allergy specialists may use a skin allergy test or blood test to diagnose the allergic reaction.

But, many patients wonder which one of the tests is better and why.

Let’s understand a skin allergy test and blood test better.

Skin Test For Allergies


A skin allergy test Ofallon, MO, and globally may be of various types, such as skin prick testing, intradermal testing, and skin patch testing.

Skin Prick Tests: Mostly suitable for diagnosing airborne allergens(pollen, mold spores, and food allergens. The allergen is scratched into the back or forearm. If the result is positive, the patient might experience itching, redness, or wheals (raised patches). It usually takes 15 minutes to see the result.

Intradermal Testing: The only difference between a skin prick test and the intradermal test is that the allergen is injected into the epidermis rather than scratching it on the skin surface. It tests allergies due to venom, penicillin, or medication reactions.

Patch Testing: The allergen is placed as a patch on the skin for 48 hours. The doctor checks the patch after 72-96 hours for reaction signs.

2. Safety

A typical skin allergy test Washington is pretty safe and effective in diagnosing allergies. Patients might develop a slight reaction for some time, but usually, it goes away in a few hours or, in some cases, days.

3. Cost

A Skin Allergy Test Washington is quite affordable and is covered by most insurance plans.


A skin allergy test will rarely show false positives. Skin prick tests may deliver false positives about 50-60% of the time, leading to follow-up tests.

You can also read this article: How Long Does It Take To Perform An Allergy Skin Testing?

Blood Test For Allergies

Blood tests involve finding an antibody named immunoglobulin(IgE) in the patient’s body. Our body produces this antibody when it comes in contact with a trigger. Blood tests are also known as RAST or ImmunoCap tests.


Blood drawn using a needle and syringe is sent to a lab for analysis. Lab analysts add allergens to the blood sample to check for IgE levels.


Blood tests are highly safe and effective. There are fewer risks of reactions such as infections from the needle.


It costs $5-$20 per specific allergen tested. You can cover the cost of a blood test with insurance.


IgE testing has a false positive rate of around 50-60%, similar to skin prick allergy testing.

Closing Words-

Sometimes a doctor may need to perform more than one test to arrive at a proper diagnosis. New Freedom Family Medicine(NFFM) excels with 100% accuracy in every skin allergy test Washington.

Experience our services today.

How Long Does It Take To Perform An Allergy Skin Testing?

A skin allergy test is pretty common. Anyone who is not sure what caused annoying bumps or itching on their skin can go for it.

But the symptoms will not only be limited to bumps and itching on the skin. One might experience red, swollen eyes or watery eyes. You can also have tightness in the chest, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, swelling on the face, tongue, lips, etc.

What happens during a skin allergy test?

During the skin allergy test Hermann, the doctor may expose your skin to various things which may have triggered the allergy. He might then observe the signs of anything unusual.

He might also tell you to wait for a period of time so that the substance starts showing its reaction to your skin or face.

But before any of this happens, the doctor will ask you questions about your medical history. You’ll have to disclose any serious illness or anything minor so that he may better help you deal with your allergic reaction.

Allergy skin testing involves an in-depth analysis of your body’s response to everything present around you. The allergens can be food items, anything natural such as flowers or perfumes, deodorants, etc. You might not be able to determine what is causing your condition. Therefore you need an expert to help you with a skin allergy test.

How long does it take for allergy skin testing?

The test takes place at a trained doctor’s office. Usually, the nurse conducts the tests, and the doctor interprets your results. The test may take around 20 to 40 minutes.

As mentioned earlier, some tests may show results instantly, but others may take longer than that. Therefore, you might have to schedule a different appointment if you see anything abnormal even after 1-2 days of the testing.

You can also read this article: When Do You Need A Skin Allergy Test?

What after the skin allergy test?

Skin allergy test Washington gives precise results on which allergen causes an allergic reaction. The doctor will have the required information to treat your allergies based on your results.

He will prepare a descriptive treatment plan for you to follow. The treatment plan will include allergy shots (if necessary), medications, and instructions to avoid the specific allergen.

Allergy shots are a part of immunotherapy. The patient’s skin is exposed to a particular allergen that causes his allergic reaction. A certified allergy specialist should perform this treatment as it is quite risky.

Closing Words-

Want to go for a skin allergy test Washington?

A Skin allergy test requires skill, rigorous training, and years of experience to diagnose and treat allergic reactions accurately. These tests are usually safe for adults and children, even infants.

New Freedom Family Medicine(NFFM) gives access to the safest and most guided patient experience for a skin allergy test Washington.

Call or visit to schedule an appointment with our allergy experts at NFFM.

How to Prepare For A Skin Allergy Test?

Allergies can be pretty annoying to deal with. Nobody likes red noses, eyes, and itchy skin, whether seasonal or otherwise.

If you feel that there is a pattern with your allergies, it’s best to talk to a qualified allergist and talk about these issues.

Any doctor may usually recommend a Skin Allergy Test to identify the cause behind the allergy.

Allergy Skin Testing is a procedure where your skin is exposed to specific allergens. Allergens are allergy-inducing substances. The patient is monitored for any allergic reaction and related symptoms.

A typical Skin Allergy Test Washington can confirm if the specific substance that you eat, breathe or touch is the reason behind your body’s unease.

Risks associated with Allergy Skin Testing

One of the most common side-effects of Allergy Skin Testing can usually be the visibility of swollen, red, and itchy bumps.

Also known as wheals, they are noticeable during the test. However, these may develop in other people after a few hours of testing.

This patch of swelling and redness may remain over a couple of days and go away on its own.

Skin Allergy Test Washington rarely presents any such side effects, and even if they do, there are minor.

Yet, it is advisable to undergo these tests in the presence of an expert at an adequate clinic where the doctor has access to the required means and medicines to help you.

Preparation for the Allergy Skin Testing

The doctor should know everything about your medical history. He will ask you detailed questions about your symptoms and signs and your normal way of treating such allergies.

After assessing the information from your answers, he’ll be able to determine if the allergies run in your family or if your allergies are a result of some allergens.

The doctor may conduct a thorough physical examination to check for any signs about the cause of your recurring symptoms.

Can medications interfere with the test results?

Before scheduling a Skin Allergy Test Hermann, it is advisable to inform your doctor of a list of all your prescription and over-the-counter medications.

Some medications can repress allergic reactions and prevent the skin from giving precise results. Other medicines may also increase the risk of developing a severe allergic response during the Skin Allergy Test.

Sometimes, it takes as long as ten days to rid your system of certain medicines. Therefore, your doctor may advise you to stop taking them for as long as ten days.

Here are the medications most likely to interfere with your Skin Allergy Test.

  • Medications such as Prescription antihistamines or over-the-counter antihistamines. These include Benadryl, cold and sinus medications, etc.

  • Tricyclic antidepressants. You must consult the doctor to check if your antidepressants have Tricyclic in them.

  • Heartburn medicines such as cimetidine (Tagamet) and ranitidine can also interfere with the test results.

  • Medication for the treatment of asthma, mainly omalizumab (Xolair), can disrupt the test results for six months or even longer even after you are not using it.


It would be best to ask your doctor to explain everything about your diagnosis and treatment plan or anything you don’t understand related to the Skin Allergy Test.

Follow the instructions given by your doctor, and you must be okay.

National Freedom Family Medicine is a reliable and efficient provider of Skin Allergy Test Washington. Our staff and doctors are well-equipped to diagnose and treat your long-standing allergies.

Reach us today for your appointment.