What Are The Principles of Direct Primary Care?

 Good health is the most important gift for our body and mind. But in order to access this gift, we need to keep track of our body conditions and monitor how our body is doing each day.

Direct Primary Care(DPC) is a unique optional payment system for primary care which is being used by physicians, patients, and policymakers across the United States.

Every Direct Primary Care provider Missouri aims to build long-lasting relationships with its patients to give personalized care and facilities.

Access to DPC in Washington covers four major principles covered by every healthcare provider.

Let’s have a look at them.

Standard Principles of Direct Primary Care

The principles of DPC are multidimensional and have many interlinking factors. One can usually check the quality of services offered by a Direct Primary Care provider Washington, based on the following:


The people should be able to reach the service providers and receive quality health care. Approachability covers the ability of a Direct Primary Care provider Missouri to contact the patients in need of their healthcare services.

Proper transparency and complete information by DPC help reach people living in remote areas. Better outreach and marketing activities can tap the population needing a reliable DPC provider.

Approachability also depends on a person’s knowledge, desire for care, and will to get treated with good hands.

You can also read this article: 3 Major Pros Vs. Cons For Switching To Direct Family Care


All the cultural and social factors which enable a person and his family to receive Direct Primary Care include acceptability.

Suppose a society has a stigma where male healthcare providers can not treat females. Women will not be able to take benefit of sexual care or breast cancer services.

This situation will limit the healthcare services in that society. Therefore, for a healthcare provider to be successful, it should be accepted by society members.

In short, these services should be available and reachable to people both physically and on time. The patients shouldn’t have to travel to remote locations to get a Direct Primary Care provider Missouri.


It means the capacity of the people to be able to pay for Direct Primary Care services. Affordability is affected by the price of healthcare and the impact on income by poor health.

Healthcare should be economical and give results of the highest quality of care. Not a lot of people can pay for a good quality of healthcare.

A Direct Primary Care provider Washington should be able to decrease this gap in affordability.


Appropriateness is the final health benefit to the patients. The cure for a health issue may be less anxiety or pain or a healthier lifestyle. These benefits should weigh bigger than the negative results, such as the time or money involved.

Thus, before Googling’ Direct Primary Care Physicians Near me’, look for the benefits you want to achieve and compare them with the other side of the services.

Closing Words-

Want to find all the above qualities in a single DPC?

New Freedom Family Medicine is an exceptional Direct Primary Care provider Washington. We offer high-quality and readily available healthcare services for all major illnesses.

Call us or schedule an appointment at the clinic to avail a reliable DPC in Washington for you and your family’s healthcare needs.

Medical Marijuana Certifications for Psychiatric Disorders

Our mental health is significant in determining how we behave under conditions of stress, anxiety and cope with them throughout our lifetime.

America is moving ahead at a tremendous pace towards understanding the importance of mental health and effectively using medical marijuana certifications to treat moderate to severe psychiatric disorders, mainly anxiety and depression.

Several pieces of research state the role of medical cannabis to reduce temporary stress and depression. This is true for a Sativa strain.

Medical marijuana certifications in various American states include depression and anxiety as qualifying health conditions for having access to a required quantity of marijuana from the local dispensary for treating long-standing ailments or depressive episodes.

Patients diagnosed with anxiety or clinical depression take several prescribed drugs such as Lexapro, Paxil, or Prozac. Naturally, these antidepressants have their side effects worse than their depressive episodes.

There are several treatment plans for you if you have ever thought about reaching a medical marijuana dispensary for a psychiatric issue such as seasonal affective disorder(SAD).

Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder(SAD)

SAD is a form of depression listed in the Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders(DSM). It may arise at any time in a year with higher chances from December to March.

Many researchers believe that the absence of sunlight and pre-existing clinical depression are driving factors towards seasonal affective disorder.

It is essential to talk to a reliable physician if you’re experiencing symptoms that are not normal. There are several treatment options available for physiatric disorders. A medical marijuanas doctor can guide you better to understand if you qualify for the treatment.

Using Medical Marijuana card to help with depressive episodes

It is essential to understand that you might have several questions if you have never used marijuana medically. Such as-

  • How can a medical marijuanas doctor help with improving the symptoms of depression?
  • Is it safe to consume marijuana for psychiatric treatment?
  • How to find the best medical marijuanas dispensary near your locality?

If cannabis is legalized in your state, you can easily talk to your medical provider to help you choose a treatment plan, prepare a medical marijuana card and start adequate treatment.

In case a primary care physician doesn’t approve of using medical marijuana for medicinal purposes, try contacting a different physician.

A word of caution for those with underlying health conditions, making marijuana unfit to use therapeutically. The guidance of a medical marijuanas doctor is essential to have a transparent and honest conversation about your health history and consumption habits.

These steps help in becoming a registered medical marijuana cardholder in your state.

Having access to a medical card doesn’t necessarily mean using marijuana to address mood swings.

As per the treatment plan, micro-dosing works in easing the symptoms of SAD and helps you lead a healthy and happy life. One can use it to meet symptomatic needs as prescribed by the doctor. Getting incapacitated or stoned should not be the motive. Also, a large amount of cannabis is not recommended.

Are you searching for a professional and trained medical marijuana doctor for your anxiety?

Consult New Freedom Family Medicine, Direct Primary Care provider Missouri, providing personalized medical plans to meet the medical needs of you and your family.

Our physician can help you choose an adequate treatment plan before applying for a medical card for chronic ailments, cancer, epilepsy, or debilitating psychiatric disorders.

Book an immediate appointment with our medical consultants for expert medical sessions.